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Did you know that basement walls and foundation floors are responsible for 15% of heat loss in a poorly insulated home? This is what the Quebec government says in this regard. So, is the insulation of your basement really necessary?

The weakest link

The expression “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” also applies in insulation. If a room in the house is poorly insulated, the entire house will suffer. Poorly done or simply non-existent basement insulation will allow heat or coolness to make its way out of the house.

Problems with poor insulation

Une propriété mal isolée possède son lot de problèmes facilement identifiables.

  • Cold floors in winter;
  • Condensation formation at the bottom of walls;
  • Mold;
  • Abnormally high heating and cooling bill.

These problems are quite serious and, if left to their own devices, can pose a danger to the structure of the building and to the health of the people who live there.

So how do we isolate?

Several types of insulation exist, each with its advantages and disadvantages: rigid, mat, bulk, injected, etc. According to the Transition Énergétique Québec, un bon matériau isolant doit:

  1. Evenly fill the cavity to be insulated;
  2. Resist heat transfer;
  3. Be sustainable;
  4. Resist moisture.

De plus, un bon isolant d’entretoit n’est pas nécessairement un bon isolant de sous-sol.

Good material, right application

The effectiveness of an insulation is directly correlated with the quality of its application. If the material has been improperly applied, no matter how effective theinsulationis, the end result will suffer. That’s why you need to hire professionals for your isolation. Foratech Isolation est l’équipe qu’il vous faut pour tous vos travaux d’isolation de sous-sol, d’entretoit, et de votre maison en général!

Our professionals will meet your needs! Contact us now for a free quote! We also offer other services such asisolation par uréthane giclé, l’insonorisation et l’ignifugation.